Saturday, August 12, 2023

THE  SECRET OF THE AGES by Robert Collier.  Cover similar to my 1948 edition.  Old school. 




HE SECRET OF THE AGES, by oRobert C(olliier.( Kingsport Pres) 1948.Is an excellent book because it combines ancient precepts with recent advances in physics and Consciousness research.  In fact it t speaks for Robert’s hisprescient abilities that he could include such updates in the original 1948 edition.the ancient undamentals include his observation that there is a Vital Force that empowers all of creation and our place as co-creators.  Whether the title of Jane Byrne’s “The Secret” comes from this Robert Collier work or if it was from the pages of Napoleon Hil is not important.  In fact, these classics are O attraction.much more profoun than The Law on Hill's pagesor Napolemuch more profound than The Law Of Attraction because it asks of us the faith to WORK with our inner knowing.  Action must be included in attraction.  

Among my favorite authors such as Robert Collier there is mention of this Vital Force as the concept of VRIL as an  historical and functionally operant concept and reality.  I have a blog about Vril up.  about Vril and how man can connect in a very real way. man through the ages.  We can connecct with this vital force in a very real way.  Robert Collier and others tell us that this  vital force as it guided life itself in Force evolving toward Consciousness.  Secret of The AGes was sritten in 1948 yt you will find mentions of the very latest in Physic and 

Consciousness research.  

I should mention that Collier and others say that this force must also be guided by Universal Mind in direction toward manifestation.  Thus we have a Vital Force guided by Intelliggence.    


SECRET OF THE AGES IS A CLASSIC GUIDE IN New Thought.  Robert Collier’s uncle was Peter Fenlen Collier who founded Collier’s Weekly in 1888.  Peter Fenlen Collier arrived from Ireland at age 17 and had an idea for his boss that people would purchase through subscription rather than in bookstores or magazine racks.  His boss rejected the idea so Collier created his own magazine which has a business model that is used today by many others.  Robert Collier saw success principles in action.  

Generational ability, influence,  and momentum.  Universal Mind in the family.  

%his fmily xample is relevant to th Lhe Living Your egacy series.  This one is about publishing because Robert Collier went even beyond the metaphysics of Secret Of The Gages with his promotional abiliti1948 B..  y Robert Collier  T"Vital Force" is his description that is greatly similar to "Vril" As we shall see.  Ancient knowldedge combined with  ork is more prfound and we are all advised to work for what we want in the original precpts that were well beyond The Law of Attraction. Knowing your internal meaning will call upon you take not just sit aand wait for delivery.  Attraction requires action.  

Robert Collier wrote cew Thughtessays that are now classics in the field.  I attribute the exellence of his book to a greatundestanding of anouweicent jprinciples and a  visionary presentation sof physiNcs that are coherant with the most recent knowlddge of physicd snf Conscciousness that are now expounded by modern science. "Seret of the ages is a masterpeice. aws  draws upon ancient principllles and concepts while   obert Collier is so nt in physics and Consiousness resea  we see today.  ob  He describes what we know of now as Vril as Vital Life Force  Robert is an example of what I call 'generational contact and increase.  His uncle ...lliers mag. Collier founded magaxind .  .... ollier arrives in 1907 from Ireland tried to convince his booss to sell publications by subsription rather than in bookstores etc.  His boss rejected the idea so ..... Collier went out on his own fto found Colliers magazine. Robert Collier was no stranger to the mind set and envirobment of success when he began wiring on  ind principles.  There is generational momentum in his story.  I've seen his in action myself fo i'm telling the story of a young author and his uncle as an example.  

Many of us can remember a time When Collier’s magazine was on every household coffee table.  The author of Secret Of The AGes started his own independent publishing company  His methods and business models are studied by entrpreneurs today The Robert Collier Letters published recently as a business guide to independent marketing.