November 6, 2018
There was more than money that inspired my entry into the world of e-commerce sales.  The market can override the politics of opinion and place a measurable value on your work.  Academia is politics and widely far Left Liberal mandated content.  There are a few exceptions and I remain loyal and respectful to these. New Age paradigms are politics and also largely Far Left Liberal content.  Since cosmic stuff is in the world of truth and thought there is no reason it must remain thus.  The managerial politics of events and projects decide who is deemed acceptable. I'm not an acceptable person at a psychic faire although my expertise and reputation was known before my politics were revealed. 

The marketplace of ideas has expanded the outreach and evolution of potential return to Right.  Publishers have expertise in sharing information and offering their better products.  The dominance and censorship of a few major publishers no longer controls the marketplace.  We can each aspire to participating in the information age as creative artists and not just consumers.           


Fun German word used in an article by Taylor Pearson.  He uses it in an article about chess masters, tank commanders, and successful leadership in general.  He describes Fingerspitzengefuhl as a 'finger tips feeliing' or 'having one's finger on the pulse'.  It is about an intuitive feel that might seem supernatural but arrives after years of mastery of a subject.  This mastery is gained from experience and total absorption until it becomes second nature.  

Taylor Pearson Article 

To get there Pearson says to 'Think big, but start small.'

My impression is that there is a benefit in pursuing something you've always been interested in and worked on.  This gives you the hours of necessary 'starting small' before launching something big. There comes a point where intuition is accelerated as many seemingly disparate factors come together as a whole.  The conscious mind has been active and engaged yet it is when turned over to what I prefer to see as the "Superconscious" that all the factors show a result.  The reason I use Superconscious rather than
"subconscious" is that a mind subject to the whims of others and random chaotic elements is not dependable for resolving an issue.  

The Multiverse contains and expresses all information and interests.  It is up to us to be selective in what we choose to be informed about and what we will to express.

I have a specialized interest in 'Fingerspitzengefuhl' as related to the selection of symbols during sortelege Divination.  We are carefully considering actions, intent, and hidden sources that are meaningful in context.  We should consult decisions of the consciously operational mind, of course, yet also allow input from what is guided by the Superconscious.  This is where Divination done expertly can differ from random tossing or selection without contextual focus.  Both approaches to random selection will give a
holographic data-base.  We owe it to ourselves to become more expert in arranging and perceiving additional power in an accurate way.

I doubt if Taylor Pearson shares my interest in Divination through selecting lots, staves, or cards to impart a message.  Yet it seems that Fingerspitzengefuhl could be considered here.  Your decision on how to fit the aspects together for the best decisions is still in the domain of conscious Will.  You just have more information from a powerful process. 


I'm at the age my father was when I often worried about him.  He had always been a force of strength and creative work in the real world.  Massive and beautiful masonry construction arose in the architectural landscape of town and country.  

I need not have worried.  In his 70s, we worked together on a massive and artistic stone job at Gallatin Gateway.  A few years later he was standing four scaffold high on a stone job he was doing just for fun on his home.  Also a gate entrance with pillars and a planter showed his artistic vision.  He was nearly 80 at this time. 

I had always worked in the family masonry business.  But I hadn't taken it seriously enough until our later years when I appreciated every moment we had together.  I was, in fact, an academic hipster, who sometimes held  the appropriate disdain for money.  This always puzzled my father.  Living through the Great Depression and WWII, he saw money as a means of living a warrior ideal for his family. 

Life experience in academia and a pseudo-sophisticated peer group pressure had led to my disconnect from the contributions of prosperity to a healthy culture.  I should have known better.  I had studied and used wealth principles, not so much to gain riches, as a focus for attaining success in music.  That was my vision and it worked. 

I understand that the higher aspirations of metapolitics are against 'Capitalism' as it currently dominates national and world interests.  There is good reason to oppose the Global Corporate State as it destroys ancient established orders of regional and national Tradition.  The Capitalism and entrepreneurial adventure that I advocate is what I saw in action as Homestead Capitalism.

A family, clan, or regional culture can work together for common purpose with the goal of wealth that is close to a warrior ethos.  This is not the dog-eat-dog global and centrally established market of an uncaring juggernaut.  Rather, it is the close-knit partnership and organic development where individuals use their unique abilities in a common prospect. 

As this site develops, there will be background in theory and practice that has shown success in the real world.    

August 7, 2017

Divination is a process of perception that can arrive through heightened intuition or through special techniques.  Perception of our place in the current of Divine order can arrive in the ordinary activities of our daiy lives or we can set aside a special place and time for consulting various oracles.  The use of sortilege through symbols that have ancient and powerful meanings is one method.   

Mystic Reading is a pathway to awareness through focusing our attention on learning what is important and choosing what we wish to create.  That is true with books, websites, and whatever sources of information appeals to us.  Or is brought to us through Divine Providence.  The pathway is also found through another aspect that has been given the name 'reading'.  People can gather to do readings for each other in a Divinatory way.  This has been misused as 'fortune telling'.  Even this more mundane form of 'getting a reading' can have the benefit of entertainment or possibly an avenue for some thought. 

My preference when I practice the Divinatory type of reading is to focus upon 'fortune creating'.  This is possible.  There are approaches and methods that are ancient and adaptable to our current methodology.  I've called this active engagement with Divination, "Cybernetic" in that a deliberate steering mechanism adjusts what is probable in a given trajectory can be modified by Conscious intent.  There is no finality in something as intangible as the future. 

Since my primary work is with the Teutonic runes,  a quick essay on ancient lore is necessary here.  Predicting and creating the 'future' is one thing. Appreciating heritage and how the present moment is a disclosing of Mystery is also important. When considering the perspectives of Traditionalists that I admire, there is very solid thought that recognizes that the 'past' has the most manifested and dynamic quality in our lives. Most will present their evidence in terms of Urdhr, Verdhandi, and Skuld. That which has become, that which is becoming, and that which should be. I won't cite many sources for research in this at the moment. I will say that "The Well and the Tree" by Paul Bauschatz is the best academic study.

It is Urdhr that has the most relevance to who we are and why we are. We can only act in the present because of all that has gone before. It seems that Urdhr is the strongest Norn. Verdhandi is moving toward something, and dependent upon what has already manifested. Skuld is ephemeral, not quite clear enough to work with except with considerable skill.

Of course all three Norns are important to be whole and they should be known and respected. These years have been a gradual acceptance that Spiritual work must become more than theory. Some thoughts on awareness about continuance of Consciousness through time and dimension : Nornic Law tells of the Three Norns Urdhr, Verdhandi, and Skuld. They are "that which has become", "that which is becoming" and "that which should be." Our practitioners are somewhat in agreement that Urdhr is the strongest Norn. We live always in that which has become. 

The past matters very much.

A strong influence of what is becoming and what should be is already given to work with from that which has become. Our responsibility is to act in the moment with a creative connection to Tradition. The Gods guide us. The Heroes guide us. Our Ancestors guide us. This is natural.

I've tried here to delineate some of the aspects of a 'reading'.  In today's terms, the Cybernetic approach is to appreciate what is given through Divine information and then to actively participate in enacting our direction if it seems genuine and favorable ; or making an affirmation of efforts toward correcting the apparent course of events.  In short, if you don't like what you see, you can change it.   

September 4, 2017

Divination as a social Folk custom :  Gathering together in the process or ritual of reading the messages of our more complete higher nature or the guidance of the Gods can create personal value at a therapeutic level or natural kindred formation at a group level.  Something truly focused happens when attention is directed toward a common goal or at least the strong consideration of an individual's interest.  

There are varied, techniques, forms, or 'tools' that can inform and assist our perceptions.  These can be as varied as the Chinese I-Ching, Tarot, or more modern cards.  I achieved some expertise in Tarot after years of study of the esoteric background of those cards.  Yet at some point I moved to more ancestral methods of ancient hidden lore which I found in the runes.  I don't capitalize 'rune' because each stave is an individual or fractal of a guiding mystery that is combined in the word "Runa" which is capitalized.        

We have specific history and traditions that make us who we are.  I believe that the precise accuracy of the forms, literature, and art are important.  This is a basis for return to ascertain our correct and most efficient trajectory today.  Images, words, and artifacts of the past were created by us and they are rediscovered to guide us.

The ethics of a functioning folklore must be recognized to create value in our real lives.  Recognition of guiding energy and consciousness gives meaning to history and symbols. 

We can recognize the guiding energy and consciousness through what is important to us and what creates positive value.  If we consider the hidden and mysterious forces that guide us as from an arcane past that is all well and good.  If we recognize hidden and mysterious forces that are more recent as an arcane force we should not neglect going there for value.  

Research into the nature of Consciousness means to eventually encounter the works of Martin Heidegger.  Heavy reading for me until I found his "Elucidations of Holderlin's Poetry."  In an interview and some of his later books he expressed that poets best represented what he wanted to say.  Holderlin (1770 - 1843) was a voice of German Romanticism and an influence toward German Idealism.  

The entire poem "As When On A Holday" could be seen as transmission of the nature of Divination that has generational power.  It is difficult to pick only a couple lines for inclusion in this essay.  Yet that is how this particular Holderlin poem got my attention. 

"They seem to be alone, yet are always divining.
For divining too she herself is resting."

For context, here are my quotes within a partial section of the poem:

"Whom no master alone, whom she, wonderfully
All-present, educates in a light embrace,
The powerful,  divinely beautiful  nature. 
So when she seems to be sleeping at times of the year
Up in the heavens or among plants or the peoples,
The poets' faces also are mourning,
They seem to be alone, yet are always divining.
For divining too she herself is resting.

But now day breaks! I awaited and  saw it come,
And what I saw, may the holy be my word,
For she, she herself, who is older than the ages
And above the gods of Occident and Orient,
Nature is now awakening with the clang of arms,
And from high Aether down to the abyss,
According to firm  law, as once, begotten out  of holy Chaos,
Inspiration, the all-creative,
Agains feels herself anew."

My point is that looking to nature and something Holy for guidance is not new and it is not limited to any particular technique.  Divining has never disappeared from the customs of humanity.  Appreciation for the thoughts and lessons given by those who have gone before us is the very nature of Tradition.  We build upon the landscape of our ancestors.  We have a rightful place in adding our participation as a living presence.  

Working harder and enjoying it more.
This blog is where I'll concentrate more on learning tech and providing a service that will establish me as a cosmic professional.  Facebook and other platforms are a mere distraction these days so I need to find a place where I can develop.  

The new approach to blogs by people I admire is all about being concise, readable, and instructional.  I've already said much of what I mean to say although my previous formatting and tech connection has had less impact and profit than I would like.  I'll come back here when I have something to say.

That was my experiment in color and size of type.  I might have a little to say now.


Taking the red pill has become a cultural phenomenon that uses the original meaning of taking a brave stance on living in reality.  Added to the general approach is the main emphasis on men taking back their original purpose.  This has been given the name of Manosphere by those creating and observing the burgeoning phenomenon.  

The Manosphere differs greatly from the 'men's movement' that was trendy in the 1980s.  The men's movement was a subset of Feminism that was sponsored and encouraged by women who wanted us to 'get in touch with the feminine side'.  Drumming circles and theatrical facepaint and weeping and softness was the order of the day.  The Manosphere is not that!  

Men have been displaced and taught shame and compliance under the new Liberal order.  Movies, TV ads, books, and public education indoctrinate a weak and inferior presentation of men.  "Toxic masculinity" is taught as something to be banished by programs and demands that seem, frankly, totally insane.  It is demanded that men conform to the image of manageable weaklings that are only a tool in supporting women's political movements. 

That is not who we are.  Men are taking back their original purpose of strong providers, competitive warriors, apex predators, and founders of brotherhoods.  The Mannerbunde is back!  

I will, in the context of reviews, present some of the best work in this field which is found in a few books and powerful blogs.  The Red Pill phenomenon is a working idea whose time has arrived.  

This Mystic Reading site will include the best of the best in the online information of cultural change that is really a taking back of rightful Tradition.  The interesting thing about manosphere blogs is that they have enough content to equal a studious book.  And it is all free.  The creators of these blogs seem to really care that men regain who they are.  

Men are challenged to take back their sovereignty through the process of self-improvement.  There is a ferocity toward action in working out in the gym for strength training.  Martial arts and self-defense are part of the curriculum.  Integral to the process is responsibility to family.  For men with established families encouragement in making it work is provided.  For younger men who are just meeting women and having vital erotic interests there is guidance for the quest.  

Those younger men are guided in the ways of the Red Pill of seeing reality and not being entrapped by the wrong woman.  The manosphere makes no apologies for the heterosexual male and, in fact, makes no apologies at all. 

 The White Pill is defined in the Urban Dictionary as,
"1: being aware of a difficult situation or position and having a fighting "can do" attitude and not giving up, plus accomplishing said thing(s) within the difficult situation."

2: being optimistic, not merely through gut feelings but via having thought about a situation enough to understand how to get through it successfully."

That seems good to me.  In fact many of the Manosphere blogs concentrate on real principles for success in life while not overlooking the Red Pill recognition of societal challenges.  In this, they much resemble the New Thought movement and in fact recommend books from that genre.  This is my preferred approach.

Contrast this with black pill nihilism.  The black pill can be found among those who have given up in the face of overwhelming odds but still refuse to comply with society.

The Purple Pill I describe in my own way.  I will receive criticism about this from youth who are involved in message boards and discussion sites that have nothing but contempt for compromise.  Their bitterness is understandable and they have the right to their uncompromising ferocity as they establish Red Pill culture.  They offer no apologies.  Neither do I.  My own ferocity is directed toward manifestation of a similar unapologetic and sovereign culture.  

The white pill is what works for me and many older men who are beyond 'gamesmanship' in the quest for women or victory over women.  Older men are already established in whatever life they have built and have less energy or interest in the conquest.  Many of us have moved on to other dimensions of meaningful living.  This is not a defeat or lack of vitality.  I'm not a soy boy.  My  testosterone count is 300 points above high normal.  No supplements or aggressive training are necessary.  

The white pill, I believe, also describes younger men who are facing the real world with ambition that is largely centered upon achieving individual success in career and finance.  The Red Pill can denigrate attempts at financial self-improvement in some cases.  Yet the wisdom of red pill living can actually point toward establishing personal power before even thinking about chasing women. 

The purple pill is where I enter some controversy as far as my compliance to the hipness factor and the opinion of neo-reactionary, or message board communities go.  I'm as fiercely uncompromising as any when it comes to being anti-bolshevik and as unwilling as any to take abuse from Liberals or women.  I just recognize the real world as it arrives in my life.  

The manifestation of the current presentation of Fate is amenable to my efforts at reforging a more agreeable situation.  But ignoring reality rather than using it constructively would be too passive and defeatist at this point.  So I'm going to use what has entered my life, and I believe that approach would be useful to others.

I use my purple pill context as it regards the political process now active in my region.  This is a political blue vs. red label for the dominance of the Democrat Party and Liberal cultural society in my university town.  The state is solid red and Conservative while this one town in the state is blue.  There is also what seems to be my karma that I know and have friendships and relationships with adamant Democrats.  My girlfriend doesn't drive so I take her to her Democrat Party meetings.  This is her therapy against Trump and her full descent into the Trump derangement syndrome.  Sometimes I state my disagreement but mostly I just say, "Hmmm."

I sit outside or at the cafe next door while she attends the party activists meetings.  I read books with some titles that would offend them.  I've gotten to know the real people involved and I like a few of them.  Recent events of organizational matters have meant that there is a functioning recognition of my lack of compliance but willingness to be a decent and competent human being.  

Some of these Democrats have proven themselves worthy in terms of achievement in respectable fields.  These few people seem to be less hysterical than the general members.  Intelligence and achievement has merit.  Circumstances have accelerated my knowledge of many Democrats and some of them are friendly with me although they know I am one of those Hillary called a 'deplorable'.  Those who are sophisticated enough know that I'm among people versed in history and metapolitics.  There can be an appreciative exchange of ideas from a similar frame of reference.  

I would have preferred that my social contacts arrived via the Far Right or various permutations of the Alt Right.  It didn't turn out that way, yet, so I'm making the best of a red pill and blue pill association that I call 'the purple pill'.  This can be done and it places me in a unique position to accelerate toward impacting actual issues.                      

I will explain my conceptualizations further when I next update this blog.        


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