Martin Heidegger
Translated by Keith Hoeller

The Montana that once was, and could be again, is described very well in Holderlin's poem, “Homecoming/To Kindred Ones”. Of course Holderlin was writing of the Alps in Europe but the alpine mountain, valley, and village scenes are identical to the scenery and human dimension I knew of Montana in better times. My favorite philosopher is Martin Heidegger because he is a realist and not a nihilist. In our heritage is our becoming. This is a great book. 

"The commentaries of Martin Heidegger on the lyric poems of German Romantic poet Friedrich Hölderlin are an extraordinary encounter between poetry and the penetrating thought of a powerful philosophical mind. The writings included here reveal much about Heidegger's innermost thoughts on poetry, language, and how we think."  From the publisher.

This is my favorite Martin Heidegger book. No I don't claim to be scholarly Heideggerian. A keen interest will do. It seems to me that Martin Heidegger (1889 - 1976) labored long and well to understand something Primordial. We get the sense that his was a monumental task and there are moments when we can have insight to his purpose. There were clues in his academic prose that at some point only poetry could express what he wanted to say. We find this in the English translation "Poetry. Language. Thought" 

Reading "Elucidations of Hölderlin's Poetry" we get the sense that Heidegger was enjoying himself and happier than when he wrote his other books and lectures. There is still a sense of profound philosophy that uses his previous precepts. Yet here in his admiration of Friedrich Hölderlin (1770 - 1843 ) is a sense of lightness and pure joy. 

I've sometimes shared the entire poem Homecoming/ To My Kindred Ones because it is my favorite.  Here is a small example of Holderlin's poetry.  It is all so excellent that it is hard to pick an excerpt.   

 At the beginning of stanza 1.
"It is still bright night in the Alps, and a cloud,
Authoring joyfulness, covers the yawning valley."

Later, in stanza 2.
"Peaks of silver shine silently above,
And the sparkling snow is full of roses."

Heidegger does a tremendous job of elucidation in making the  poems of this book remind us of who we are.  

THINK AND GROW RICH! ; The Original Version, Now Restored, Edited, Annotated, and Revised by Ross Cornwell. 

Most of us are familiar with the works of Napoleon Hill and have more than one copy of the classic.  In my opinion, this is an essential edition because there are so many back stories and history included in the added pages.  Ross Cornwell did an extraordinary job and is to be commended.  

The presence of a mystic force becomes a dynamic power to those who read and work with any edition of this book.  Reading and where we put our attention has an effect on manifestation.  In my case, I found an old book and recognized the cover image and name of the publisher.  I bought it for a couple bucks.  It turned out to be the first edition which is worth about $2,000 now.  I probably won't part with it because it is my connection to a legacy.  

At times, people pointed at my life and said, "See.  It doesn't work."  I was not rich at the time but I had acquired the Rolls Royce of musical keyboards, the Hammond B-3, and two Leslie speaker cabinets.  It was the same rare equipment used by my musical heroes.  I was only 19 at the time.  

There are some 'heavy hitters' in the esoteric political and personal power fields that have this book on their essential reading list.  These men are Alpha and don't mince around with empty theories.  It is gratifying that for all their sophistication they still consider a 1937 book valuable.  

Experience at working with this classic is what mystic reading is all about.  Notice that I use the word 'working' in that statement.  Insight from reading must become a practiced and accomplished effort.            



This is the same book with a new title.  I'm also showing the original title because many of us old timers worked with that classic.  They are both available from Amazon but the new one is less expensive.

For the most profound transformation of Consciousness as an Awakening to Tradition, the works of Edred Thorsson have the greatest benefit.  By 'Tradition' I mean remembering who we are and acting accordingly.  Runes show us the way to bring the power of the past forward so that we can realize and integral culture.  This is for the individual and his kindred. 

This book is given here because it is the most academic and historical introduction.  I'm going to list several other Edred Thorsson rune books because each have their own unique value.   

Alu : An Advanced Guide to Operative Runology, by Edred Thorsson

The Nine Doors of Midgard : A Curriculum of Rune-Work, by Edred Thorsson

Futhark : A Handbook of Rune Magic, by Edred Thorsson.

Runecaster's Handbook : The Well of Wyrd, by Edred Thorsson
Rune-Song, by Edred Thorsson

Rune Might : Secret Practices of the German Rune Magicians, by Edred Thorsson

Runelore is probably the best of these for a generic, yet comprehensive, study of this field.  

Edred Thorsson is the name that Dr. Stephen E. Flowers uses for his more popular books.  Stephen Flowers writes extensively using his own name in academia and related fields of Traditional Awakening.    

by Donald J. Trump, Meredith McIver

  It is said that telling a compelling story is more effective than merely giving instruction or advice.  I have stories - - true stories that advocate on my behalf or on behalf of people I respect.  Those can be found in my MYSTIC READING blog which I will link here.  The pages are in an overview format and in a Book Review format.  Notice that I advocate for those who contribute to the literature of our West. Notice also that I"m NOT AFRAID to advocate for the successful in business and political shaping that have made a surprise impact upon impossible situations.  Some of those winning contributions find themselves in the label of being unhip - - but I never cared about that.  I once knew a man who called himself a 'plitical junkie' but what he really meant by that is that he always watched CNN or MSNBC for political correctness.  The closest thing I ever actually heard him say of a political statement is "We never turn out for the mid-term elections."  I always wondered what he meant by "we?"  Finally figured out he  meant 'the Democrat Party."  I've seen too much in the U.S. and Ukraine circa 2014 to ever call myself a Democrat. Notice that I advocated for "Think Like A Champion" prior to Trump's presidency.  I no logner give my unqualified dndorsement now that I've witnessed how the former president caved in to the pandemic scam.  "Operation " Warp Speed" is where I witnessed the second Pfizer booster cause anaphylactic shock and a host of continued health problems.  Caving in to FAuci, Pfizer, Moderna, and Xi Jingping does not indicate outstanding leadership character.  The Mystic  Reading blog site still has recommendations of quality. But I've removed my unqualified endorsement of any politician.  This is not because I've tried to be hip with the sultans of snide who profit from shaming a former president, but because I've seen failures of leadership where it counted most.  

This is my favorite book by Donald Trump.  Contrary to the media peddled opinions, it shows a concern for others in America and also a respect for his fellow citizens.  His interest in teaching and sharing is evident here as it is in the book he wrote with Robert Kiyosaki  I'll get to that book in a moment.   

This post might belong more on my Paranormal Research Methodology site.  Yet the socio-political should not be separated from an innate Spiritual understanding if we live in a healthy culture.   I began reading the works of Donald J. Trump long before his political career.  I considered him a continuation of  Napoleon Hill or Norman Vincent Peale.  I later learned that he had indeed attended Peale's church as a young man.

Donald Trumps books have always shown his interest in teaching people how to respect and develop their own greatness.  In spite of the recent media propaganda, Trump has always been interested in and concerned about people.  The advancement of the middle class has always been a theme.  He is also a team player.  You have to look past the Alpha self-confidence and boastful energy.  He wants you to share in his enthusiasm and success. 

Trump's books have a sense of erudition, education, practicality and abundant quotes about historical and contemporary thinkers.  He often has a co-writer which might partly account for the high quality of his works.  Merideth McGiver is often a co-author and there is one he wrote with Robert Kiyosaki who is known for economic education.  The book co-authored with Kiyosaki is, Why We Want You To Be Rich.

The presence of Donald J. Trump's power and influence precedes his political career.  I wouldn't even call his current occupation a 'career' because his personal skills and training come from elsewhere.  Business and finance we all know about.  My assertion which will be met with chagrin by those who only know the media-assigned persona is that he is a teacher and inspirational instructor of motivation that reached an audience with those who were attentive to his work.  Many if not most of us who read his works probably looked there for a sense of hope that we could also be accomplished in excellence in chosen fields with some kind of sovereign security. 

The mystic erudition that shows up in a practical European-American presentation has been an operational power of faith that some of us could sense years ago.  More recently the nation sensed this same power and concern in spite of how the media spun their presentation.  When the mystic perception of an entire people supplanted the media empires, they were shocked.  This sense of something powerful, supernatural, and immediate is why I considered posting this on my Paranormal site.

I've always had a precognition and recognition of thoughts and events on the timescape.  This has not always made me popular.  Sometimes it has.  Like when I anticipated and participated in the direction my peers were going in the late 1960s.  This was to be a movement against my ancestors in the working sense, although I hoped it would be for them in the metaphysical eternal sense.  I hoped for magic, not just for myself, but for my family and extended family.  The movement proved to be Marxist and a betrayal of all my people stood for. I was not popular when I backed away.

It is among my peers today that I met with the most contempt for my awareness that Donald Trump represented something magical about Capitalism and ambition.  The anger that they elicited presaged the organized spin and demonstrations today.  I've had lot of practice dealing with Cultural Marxists.  I can overcome that.  I could sense something in the works of this successful man that was important.  I didn't know he would become President of the United States.

In the works of Donald Trump we meet with quotes from Aldous Huxley, Lao Tzu, C.G. Jung and others.  The main critics he has are those who are not really familiar with him.  Being gifted with insight is only part of our purpose.  We are to fight for that vision.

This might be my favorite book from 2009 which I got when it first came out in the unabridged edition.

I strongly recommend  Think Like a Champion: An Informal Education In Business and Life by Donald J. Trump and Meredith McIver.

This is a work of inspiration and magic that anticipated the arrival of power and a return to American greatness.  Some sample headings for chapters are :

Keep the Big Picture in Mind
Give Your Higher Self a Chance
Discover and Live Your Purpose
Keep It Short, Fast, and Direct
Strive for Wholeness
Go Against the Tide
Learning is a New Beginning.
The Harder I Work, the Luckier I get

Donal J. Trump has all the qualities to be a great president and reverse mis-directions that have brought this country down and threatened more harm.  His opponents are dealing with a formidable person who will not give up.  I'm not alone in the perception that recognizes when something important is happening.      

September 10, 2017



Caving in to the Fauci, Pfiizer, Moderna, Xi Jingping agenda bought us "Operation Warp Speed" with a booster I saw cause anaphylactic shock and a host of continuiing health problems.  Hardly the starnce of leadership when character counted.  
The areas in this 'review' section run concurrent with rune work as you can see in the Runelore review and other works by Edred Thorsson.  But the fundamental nature of a life affirming worldview is cgnate with the spirit of Germanic  Please note that the MAGA section now admits that leadership opportuniicty was lost in the scamdemic with the 'operation warp speed' acquiesence to Fauci, Xizeri Jing Ping and the P Pfizer and Moderna prfiteering on skewed statistics through uneccessary ventilator tactics.  While not fully in the snidely profiteering condemnation of a president camp, I still maintain that an opportunity for leadership was missed.


 This book was written, published, and on the market before the 2016 election results were known.  The media and their pollsters all assured us it was a done deal that Hillary Clinton would be the president.  I read this book and reviewed it without expressing my doubts that Donald Trump would win.  I assumed the media had a solid case so I did not express my doubt  because I did not want to object to the mindset principles and in any way impede the positive direction of a political miracle.  All of the champion thinking New Thought Mindset principles were in play.  The principles were proven in victory.

The Original Title was "MAGA Mindset :  Making Americans Great Again."  It took some careful reading to understand the difference in the title and the political slogan. 

Who was I to be sensible and positive when the 'experts' said it couldn't be done?  See my post on MATSM on November 5 for my position.

"This is being posted before election day.  I'll let Donald J. Trump keep his momentum with his own great American attitude."  My Alternative To Standardized Media.  November 5, 2017.  So I didn't express my doubts.

Motivational self-help fields have a basis in the New Thought classics but have moved onward toward something that expresses for our times.  Let me state that I rather like writers like Mike Cernovich, Victor Pride, and others who are considered "alt-lite" by the more veteran metapolitical activists that loosely make up the Alt Right.  Whatever the trajectory of the so called Alt Right is, I was there at the beginning before they (we) had the name.  I was working on my Alternative America response to the European New Right before I knew Paul Gottfried had coined the term "Alternative Right" in some of his speeches.  This became a website with that name, but most of us were around before that.

I don't really consider the "alt lite" to be a lesser endeavor unless I'm trying to be artificially sophisticated or make distinctions about a more revolutionary economic and social program.  There is a place for each in our victory.  Indeed, the Alt Right will have less influence without the success principles and prosperity taught by people like Mike Cernovich, Victor Pride, and some others I've recently discovered.  The American New Right has an informal membership of well-read people.

The quest for self-reliance and inspired consciousness in early America had an inevitable result in greatness. In America and Europe the New Thought movement ignored the encroachment of nihilsm and the decline of Faith.  Ernest Holmes was one of my favorite proponents. The part of my youth that was not misspent was in study of New Thought authors who maintained that Consciousness is everything. The frame of reference might not be as respectfully archaic and esoteric in symbolic content as the more important Reawakening scholarship we have today, Yet there is something that speaks to the people. Thus I have not gone completely astray when I mention Norman Vincent Peale and a young man who attended his church services in Manhattan.

The young man says that Peale's sermons where so enjoyable that he wanted to stay there. He took the next step of walking through his world envisioning what he wanted to accomplish. The next step was acting on his vision. Then he wrote books and gave speeches to inspire others. At one of his speeches a woman asked him, "How do I, as an average person, begin?"

The now successful man said, "First of all, never think of yourself as average. You started off with the wrong question. Because you are not average. You have a lot going.... You just have to get that word average out of your vocabulary. You have to tell yourself that you are great and you have to believe it. If you can say it and don't believe it, it doesn't matter. Go out there and work hard."

The speaker was Donald J. Trump.

Overcoming the media agenda of controlling us with the disparagement of President Trump, often with expressions of outrages that are superficial and silly concoctions, is the duty of any Aware person.  I'm not saying that Donald Trump doesn't have personality characteristics that are less than perfect.  We would rather have a leader who was flawless and adored.  Any familiarity with Trump's background and thoughts would show that he embraces learning and challenges.  In fact, the book by Cernovich makes reference to the work of Carol Dweck and the theory of "growth mindset" and "fixed mindset."  A fixed mindset means that a person accepts the inevitable setbacks in life as proof of worthlessness.  A growth mindset means that we learn from success and failure and adjust accordingly.

This book by Cernovich proved to be prescient.

THE NINE LAWS by Ivan Throne

This work is so beautifully crafted by a gifted wordsmith that it is intimidating to write a review that is worthy.  So this review will be edited through time with some direct insights that can only come from quotes.  

Yet Ivan Throne would want me to manifest the dynamic power of the lessons here to create something myself.  At the moment, so to speak, I must be quick to conquer the adversary with a presentation of historical relevance that attacks the enemy today.  Among the Nine Laws are some seeming contradictions that become complete understanding with action.  

Thought, Word, and Deed are principles that many of my people know from advanced sources.  I'm logging off this page before I complete (or even really begin) this review. Immediacy calls.  

And I'm back from the action.  It went well.  I'm still so intimidated by the sublime nature of Ivan Throne's poetic prose that I won't consider this review even begun until I include some quotes as examples.    

Ivan Throne begins his book with a narrative about how he overcame the loss of his hearing and use of his legs at age 4 due to meningitis.  He is still deaf but he became successful through great skills at lip reading and advanced perceptions.  His strength obviously returned because he became an adept martial artist.  The principles of triumph are in his book yet he also looks to other successful people on the right side of humanity and how they fight back.

Throne's book does not deny and even makes us face the truth of a Dark World where forces of dissolution and natural predatory functions can work for destruction as well as success.  I can advocate that his training in confrontation and victory over a negative reality has a positive effect.  

My preference in reading and training is with New Thought principles of a benevolent universe.  The Nine Laws is actually one of the strongest proponents of a conscious universe that favors us even though it appears that Ivan Throne states dark and destructive realities.  When you get to this point, read on and realize that not letting fear and opposition stop you is the main idea.  The beauty of Ivan Throne's prose about the Dark World is exceeded by his poetic presentation of the truth of God.  Not in a dogmatic or religious sense but as a comprehensive reality. 

This review was begun in the summer of 2017.  It is now April 2018 and the powerful words of Ivan Throne are with me daily. The wordsmith skills can be appreciated on their own, but the action and changes that living those words of training exceed mere appreciation.  It is required that the heart of the Nine Laws be made one's own.  This is a living book.

It is time to begin with word quotes for appreciation and skillful engagement.   

"When you match the Way of Heaven, you match its Will."  

"The man who  carries out the Will of Heaven is unstoppable."  

A review that does justice to Ivan Throne's book has been a great challenge.  The challenge is to present excerpts that exemplify his poetic prose about how we are to find victory through our engagement from a perspective and efforts of facing reality.  As such, this is a book to be used while reading.  I can only state passages that are living precepts at certain points in time.  At the moment, I'm working with these words on page 276.

"Focused vision must glint and glitter as it is turned over in the mind and held up against reality as your precious future manifestation.  Glitter comes in points and flares, not as overall seamless glow.  Condense your vision into facets, and construct hard points of reflective shine."  

We are to carefully consider how we will act on these principles.  Concerning the above statement he recommends, "Ensure that your vision has sharply defined aspects that can be tied to measured success."    

NEW WORLD RONIN by Victor Pride

Victor Pride as the  pioneer and elder statesman for men who make powerful gains is worth considerable study.  Ivan Throne of the previously listed Nine Laws says in his acknowledgement pages, "To Victor Pride of Bold and Determined : This work is all your fault.  You are a motivation for scores of thousands, and rightfully so.  Your own work inspires generations of men to rip off the chains of slavery, and that is an immeasurable legacy of deeply powerful truth." pgs. 2 and 3

Victor Pride can seem to be an enigma but he is his own man.  New World Ronin is out of print and his Full Color Godcast was highly praised but now not available.  His new book is Monk Mode and the books based on his Bold & Determined blog are next on my list to study.  I've posted New World Ronin here because it was an influential book when I was finding my way in this genre.  Building a "War Room" described what I was already doing although Victor added aspects of determined fight and dedication that I lacked.  His description of 'black and white' work and the eventual graduation to 'full color' work made sense.  I knew that when I witnessed a true influencer, that person had made the preliminary work in black and white to advance to full color.  The War Room was the place to live for triumph.

A respectful nod here to those who have created and advanced their own War Room.  I refer to the Tate brothers and a cadre of capable mannerbund who work with them.  I am not borrowing their concept.  I already had my "Runes From The War Room" in full production when I discovered their efforts.  My influence was Victor Pride.  

I could wish this enigmatic and highly spirited man would reprint NWR for others.  Instead of wishing for this I will continue to study his work as he presents it today.  Victor inspires loyalty from those who know him in real life and those who are inspired by his dynamic presentations online in both podcasts and the written word. 

MEDITATIONS  by Marcus Aurelius

Timeless reflections have a reassuring quality in an age when authors change their minds and shift directions.  Reading Aurelius gives me more patience and acceptance that it is not up to me to decide anyone's direction.  A book listed in my reviews is no longer favored by the author himself.  I have sympathy with anyone's change of heart in a time of need.  Sometimes its a symptom of a seeking mind.  I'm leaving New World Ronin on my book reviews and I maintain that it was important work.  So here is a Classic of private meditations by Marcus Aurelius who was Roman Emporer from 161 to 180 CE. 

The way Meditations is arranged might seem familiar to many writers today with ethical appreciation for great minds of sound character who have influenced them.  The first pages are appreciations for individuals who influenced Aurelius.  He was generous and complete in his list of people and he fully explains their significance.  This classic has been printed in many editions through the years and that's good. 

This edition is with George Long (Translator) and Andrew Fiala (Introduction).  Fiala has some very good historical and cultural notes.  The great thing about a reclusive and non-aggressive person like me with a Marcus Aurelius book is that its non-confrontational and non revealing of my avowed 'crackpot' interests.  I can be as Cosmic as I want as a quest at a Quaker meeting or as traditional as I want while on the periphery of a Democrat organizational meeting. 

A book to carry anywhere.  Truth and thoughts from the heart.      

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