This page is under construction while I research the best e-commerce tech to use.  Learning by doing.    





 You will receive your personal runic divination, and excellent book on runes, and issue number one of my newsletter.


The best part of this package is an excellent and artistic book about runes 'The Complete Illustrated Guide to Runes', by Nigel Pennick
This is a classic by one of the most informed and respected esoteric authors of our times.  Authentic to the Tradition of rune lore with insight for our times. 

This comes from my personal library which I acquired when I had ambitions to have a bookstore that dealt in true lore of high quality.  Thus, I have several copies of this illustrated masterpiece and need to part with some of my library.  Shipping costs in the world of small booksellers reduces our chances of making a decent living from our endeavors. 

My solution is to sell with added value at a rate that covers Priority Shipping necessary for speed and protection of delivery.  I am including a personal rune reading for the purchaser.  This is in keeping with our heritage of instructive Divination.  You could include your name and birthdate with your order but it would not be necessary.  I am also including the first issue of my newsletter.  


Your personal rune reading for mystic perception. I have 39 years of experienced practice and study. My total experience with metaphysics and the art of Divination stretches back nearly 50 years and it has helped keep me young. The only claim I make to psychic ability is that with your personal purpose and practice you could manifest these abilities yourself. Ability follows intention.

You could include your birth date and a question with your order but it would not be necessary


My service in runic divination includes an informational newsletter on concepts and techniques. Issue # 1 is all about sortilage divination in the context of historical and cultural divination in general. Since sortelege is the technique used here, that is the most important area of information The newsletter is ten pages sharing history, expertise and trajectories of works in the field. A dynamic field of Spiritual science, cultural influence, and psi research deserves a comprehensive introduction. Future issues will expand on this but you will be getting a good start with issue number one. My goal is to share with esoteric and academic experts in the field. You may well be one of them. If you choose, you WILL be one of them.

I will work with the perception I get from you as a purchaser or you may send me your date of birth and any questions you have. The reading is comprehensive and includes many areas of life.

Rules state that the client must be informed that this reading is for entertainment purposes only. That's fine with me. Metaphysical learning and adventure should be enjoyable and entertaining.

Disclaimer: This service is provided for entertainment purposes only and no guarantees are implied or stated. Clients must be 18 years or older to purchase a reading, product or service. Readings are not substitutes for professional, legal, financial, medical, or psychiatric advice or care.

Clients are encouraged to please seek the advice of a trained Medical Doctor about any health concerns.

All readings, products, and services content are subject to the client’s interpretation.

If you are interested in receiving future newsletters, please let me know. This is not an email psychic reading but I'm open to communication through email for further guidance. Your questions might contain the some answers within them. Sometimes I get perceptions later after the reading has had some time to formulate and express.


I have created monographs that are early editions of what will be published books or essays.  These began as esoteric studies based upon the quality work of experts in some arcane and neglected fields.  A metapolitical direction in terms of culture and economics was eventually established.  Here are some monographs in the order of how close they are to book publication or essay collection. 


Written 17 years ago for the integration of what I had learned in the previous decade.  Published and shared as an antidote to the many sub-par and misleading books that were popular in the New Age bookstore where I worked.  I always preferred that the real books about runes would be stocked on the shelves.  I still prefer that runesters have access to the best work by the true masters.  The Time has come to present my work which has its own value in the context of what I hope will be greater study and manifestation.  

56 pages spiral bound so it costs me $12 each to print.  Taking shipping costs into account, I will sell for $25 a copy.  You might do better to spend that kind of money on a quality paperback from the recommended reading list.    

Toward a Radical Traditionalist, Libertarian, and Identitarian Model for Economic Culture.

Another spiral-bound monograph style presentation in two parts.  This was begun in response to the controversy about whether a Radical Traditionalist and True Right policy could be harmonious to Libertarian philosophy.  I state the case that the Libertarian cause has lacked recognition from the general public because its comprehensive background is not known or too narrowly defined.  It was my first response to the dismissal of America by the European New Right.

We have our own Traditionalist heritage.  By combining the Paleo-Right in America with the admirable work in Europe today and way forward can be found.  There is more to life than economics and indeed economics should be secondary.  In fact economics are primary today but controlled by the wrong forces.  The Identitarian aspect was added to my work almost reluctantly after I'd been on this project for years.  

An evolving project, part one is 31 pages and the part two expands to work to 63 pages so far.  This work is evolving and the price that accounts for printing costs and Priority U.S. Mail shipping is $25.  

Alternative America.  Nation Building  From a Heritage Toward a Future.  

This is another monograph style spiral bound book that expands on the trajectory of the Radical Traditionalist book.  America is the focus here and there is much more about Traditionalist Conservatism and Libertarian aspects than the previous work that elucidates considerable of the European prospect and history.  Alternative America was begun in about 2006 and evolved toward a world of options that include secession and Nationalism.  

We knew we were no longer neo-con Republicans but there seemed to be few viable options.  Another way of representing the Right seemed necessary.  In 2010, Paul Gottfried began referring to an Alternative Right in his speeches and presentations.  Eventually he formed the Alternative Right website with Richard Spencer. Not all of us were by any means in accord with what became known as the alt-right and we watched the leadership from a distance.  I'm not opposed to activism but I think we need to mature in thought and educational platforms.

Since I was using the title Alternative America in my work long before the alt-right, I maintain my independence within the activism of a greater trajectory.  My book offers more than one solution to the destructive hold that Liberals have held on America.  This work is also in two parts and the number of pages are evolving.  Cost is $25.   

Mystic Wealth 

Mystic Wealth is my own monograph that I began after many years of study and practical work with the esoteric theories of prosperity.  This early introduction is a 22 page monograph.  Spiral bound.  I made impossible accomplishments and challenges that shifted me to different directions.  Mystic Wealth is a study in the great minds of Consciousness and how we naturally adopt those same observations through the process of living who we really are.  This is a Homestead Capitalism small business and agrarian approach to a heritage of wealth that we can work toward.  The tone becomes somewhat esoteric and hints at a Radical Traditionalist trajectory. 

There is a 26 page version in production which could extend to 35.  Cost is $16.

Montana Kindred Tradition


The complex theoretical presentation of Divination with access to mystic guidance is where my interest goes.  There are others who have more academic experience so I've included some of their works.  Now I might as well admit that this is my professional endeavor at fortune telling.  Hopefully, you are aware that fortune creating is the higher aspect and that you can act toward using your options in destiny toward your greatest good.  There is some relief in going ahead with the description of my profession as a fortune teller.

There are some assumptions from the past about who will comprise my clientele.  I was a young man when I first sought readings but I'd say the majority of readers and their clients were women.  Women are more open to the relational aspects of the mind and men to the more rational.  This is a stereotype that reveals certaing faults.  It should not imply that the rational is more 'correct' than the relational.  In fact, definitions and assumptions are assigned to what is 'real' based upon bias and propaganda.  Today's scientific truth is tomorrows error that calls for correction.  Often.  There are some constants.  

Having thus described the usual clientele for readings through correspondence of letter or internet, or through personal readings at psychic fairs, I will state that my clientele will have additional queries.  My personal direction is toward mysticism of Germanic religious forms, scientific historical paranormal research and another factor.  The first two factors will attract kindred spirits of the European reawakening.  They are generally quite expert themselves and could just as well be doing readings for me.  A third source of clientele requesting readings will be from those who recognize my Mannerbund warrior interests and what has been called "the manosphere."  I am a proponent of Tradition and an opponent of Liberalism.  Being controlled by current sociopolitical powers is not in our best interest.  A perceptive reading should connect you with your best interests. 



The first thing that occurs to me is that this is an opportunity to say what was not allowed on ebay.  There are space limitations there, which is understandable.  Limitations on characters means that I could not say what is important about the family business.

Our second hand, collectibles, and antique store was a landmark in downtown Missoula, Montana for 25 years.  A two block radius of the old town was a shopping and social hub for those who wanted old quality tools, nostalgia, or homesteading supplies for life in our community.  My parents were characters in the pageant of local color.  Dad for his knowledge and kindness, and Mom for her directness and dry humor.  

The area changed with the times and the character changed.  Mom had a stroke and Dad passed away.  After some hard work with physical therapy, Mom was able to leave nursing care and move back to her home.  She needed 24/7 care and I moved in as a caregiver.  We each have our purpose.  

Selling on ebay from former store inventory kept Mom connected to the world.  Messages and post cards from the world kept her connected.  She could stay busy with her mind.  But time took its toll and after ten years she required nursing home care.  It was heart-breaking.  She died and a family of new orphans bonded together.  Life goes on.  

I'm on my own now.  I continue with the spirit of endeavor, ambition, and adventure through my business here. I'm presenting some of my writing in monograph form.  I'll sell classic books, and experimental marketing in my areas of unique expertise.  Thank you for reading some of our history.       

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